Computer dependence

Because computer use, Internet use, and skills when working with different programs are a very common phenomenon today, young people often face computer dependency. Computer dependence is a tedious dependence on computer use. This is a problem that you should not be ashamed of, but you should try to solve it.

What is suffering from computer dependency?
Computer dependence can affect both young people and older people, girls and boys from different social backgrounds.
unsplash-logoClément H It could be said that computer dependence has spread along with the development of the Internet. Most often, computer dependency is associated with the desire to identify with someone else. The Internet usually associates more people with greater problems in communication. In a virtual environment, they can hide how old they are and, ultimately, what their sex is, thus gaining new personalities. It often happens that the problems of mutual communication arise from the use of the virtual environment, because the young person can no longer communicate in real life.

Depending on video games, it is young people who are most exposed. There are those who play video games for up to 30 hours a week, which undeniably indicates that it is a serious addiction. Scientists say that these cravings for video games are as strong as addicts after a regular dose. Usually after playing video games, they are put on and very irritable.

For younger adolescents, computer addiction can be the most dangerous because it is the time they develop when their world perception is formed. By spending a lot of time in addiction, young people can lose the most important things in their lives - relationships with friends and family. As a result of addiction, the changes first occur in the emotional sphere, only later are the physical changes that are already visible in the case of a deep illness.

What does it mean to be addicted?
Computer users, in a virtual environment, completely lose their sense of time and do not feel what is happening around. They may forget to eat, sleep, go to school and many other things. They avoid duties, become more negligent in school, prevent meetings because they are not able to leave the computer. Most often, young people experience a frivolous attitude towards addiction and they themselves do not recognize that they are overwhelmed with the computer.

How can you know that you have a computer dependency?
As with any addiction, there are also several signs of excessive use of the computer in this case.

Photo by Gabriel Matula on Unsplash 

Here are some of the most popular:

- You begin to get worse at school;

- You have a feeling of emptiness when you are not at the computer;

- When you are at the computer, you lose a sense of time;

- You get up earlier or go to bed later to just spend more time at your computer;

- Unless you have a portable computer, you always carry it with you to spend time in a virtual environment;

- Feel nervous if you have not been on the computer for a day (or even an hour) and, for example, have not checked your e-mail;

- Think your best friends are the ones you meet in a virtual environment.

There are also several signs that show exactly how addictive video games depend.

- You are stealing money or not eating lunch to go to a computer lounge or to buy game discs;

- Lying about your addiction, for example, stories that you've done something other than a computer lounge;

- Within hours, during breaks and after school, go to the computer lounge;

- Play games to forget about your problems at school or with friends or loved ones;

- Disagree with family members if you are being asked to play.

If your craving for computer use is uncontrollable, don't be afraid to tell someone close to you!

Why is computer dependency serious?
Excessive passion for a computer most often affects people directly in a negative way and encourages a lot of changes that he himself may not be aware of, both in behavior, behavior, and attitude. Often, young people "get in" on the computer to forget and neglect the others. Both family members and friends suffer from it, so the relationship worsens and forms as a vicious circle - the young person again wants to "forget" on the computer so that they do not have to think about these disagreements. In fact, it is the young person who suffers the most, because he is no longer able to solve problems, he flees and avoids communication. But escaping problems doesn't solve anything.

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